Thursday, August 25, 2016


Theme : subject of a talk; person's thoughts.
Tone : general character or attitude of a place. (writing/situation)
Mood : temporary state of mind or feeling.
Diction : choice and use of words/phrases in speech or writing.
Syntax : arrangement of words/phrases to create well-formed sentences.
Syllogism : deductive reasoning as distinct from induction.
Stupid : lack of intelligence or common sense.
Adumbrate : foreshadow or symbol.
Apotheosis : climax.
Ascetic : self discipline and abstention.
Bauble : small decoration.
Beguile : tricking someone into doing something.
Burgeon : increase rapidly.
Complement : enhances or improves something.
Contumacious : stubborn or willfully disobedient to authority.
Curmudgeon : bad tempered person.
Didactic : intended to teach.
Disingenuous : not sincere, untruthful.
Exculpate : showing/declaring that someone isn't guilty.
Faux pas : embarrassing/tactless act.
Fulminate : express vehement protest.
Fustian : pompous or pretentious speech or writing.
Hauteur : disdainful pride (arrogance).
Inhibit : to prevent.
Jeremiad : long mournful complaint.
Opportunist : one who exploits circumstances to gain advantage.
Unconscionable : not right/reasonable.

1.  Every essay has a main theme.
2.  In stories you can be able to notice the tone of the author.
3. An author can include a story's mood by improvising the situation,
4.  When I am writing an essay I diction carefully.
5.  At points I notice some syntax on my writing.
6.  In court sessions the judge listens to the defendant's syllogism.
7.  One time I had asked a stupid question and not even myself could understand what I had asked.
8.  Have you ever notice any adumbrate in any novels?
9.  For my other English class, in the tale The Odyssey, the apotheosis is when Odysseus faces battle.
10.  I have lots ascetic on myself because I need to set myself a certain type of discipline so I can learn from what I am doing wrong.
11.  Christmas lights is a bauble in my room.
12.  If it's necessary, I would beguile my friend into ding dong ditching! :D
13.  It's horrifying when a swarm of bees start to burgeon.
14.  A complement for me is necessary in my life, that way I can brighten someones day.
15.  I've been told that I'm such a contumacious person,... well damn ain't that the truth.
16.  Some of my teachers are such a curmudgeon people!
17.  Growing up my didactic would be to always maintain a positive attitude regardless what you're going through.
18.  I'm only disingenuous when someone has disrespected me.
19.  Judges seem to exculpate people who are indeed guilty.
20.  I've only had a faux pas when I slipped during a talent front of 200 people!
21.  When politics is going on many people like to fulminate.
22.  Many people when they write add fustian to make it more adequately.
23.  I dislike people who have hauteur on LGBT.
24.  Many people inhibit car accidents when driving.
25.  My little brother never forgets to jeremiad when wanting something.
26.  An opportunist will most likely have better chances onto winning something.
27.  I get unconscionable when I don't get enough sleep. ):

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Conscience of a Hacker

              In the essay, I liked how the writer puts out his mind onto what a "hacker" can do. He says it himself that he's a hacker. The writer points out that regardless what we know or look like, we'll still be compared as being 'alike' with the others. This essay has a good way into making the readers rethink about certain things.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

A Modest Proposal

In A Modest Proposal, it reaches a level of satire by the way Swift explains how a family shall eat their children when they are one year-old. The way Swift implies diction is by giving out his thoughts and expressions through his proposal. He somewhat lures the readers into thinking eating babies are "delicious" regardless the way they're cooked. Swifts writing is well written and displayed because he gives out many reasons why he thinks it's a good idea. His structure is coherent. Swift's message was so extreme and shocking. The tone of voice Swift has on the proposal is persuasive. Like I said, he tends to lure the readers on why eating/cooking children at the age of one is necessary. This technically is comprehensive of an irony piece.

How can one individual person conquer so many things in life? Like many people say, "Life is short, so live life like there is no tomorrow", but think about it. How can one person be so capable of accomplishing so many things before it's their time? Are they obligated to maintain a certain mindset when growing up? Or is it because it's their destiny to be such an accomplishment person?

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


                         The way Louis CK improvised satire was by saying how this generation as today expect so much from little things. He mentioned how he was sitting next to a guy during an airplane flight, and this guy had complained about the Wi-Fi being slow when it's been said it was high speed internet. From Louis CK's experiences of his young days and his current days explain why he has such humor when saying certain things. Louis CK didn't point anyone's name while stating his statements, he might've said it to certain types of people who relate to what he was pointing out, but he didn't point it out to one independent. Louis CK makes fun of today's generation by the way he sees it and also in a way that's combined with things from the past and the present.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

           This shows satire because of how it shows a war of two sides fighting with only small weapons while they both have nuclear bombs aside of them.

            Satire is being shown in this image by displaying what white folks talk to their kids about and also what dark folks tell their kids. This is more of a racial satire.

              As you can see in the image it shows buying cigarettes can supposedly keep cancer away. This shows exaggeration because since everything is mostly pink when purchasing something to do with breast cancer, it demonstrates a pack of cigarette trying to be sold because of its color.